Thursday 25 September 2014

India Advancing in Space Technology!

With the touch of the Chandrayaan Mission in 2012, India proceed and succeeded for the Mars Mission! Technological advancement in this field is surely will consequence in the taking number one place in modern era. How we look at it as a today's generation and what will future generation of India think? One should give the positive answers to these questions. If we fail to build modern technology, we plan to fail upcoming generations in order to survive in modern civilizations. So how our children are learning science and technology that also decide whether their shoulders are capable of bearing responsibility of technological tools or not? Are they really learning new things? Are they have  spirit of inquiry around the things? Are they inculcating scientific temper or superstitions? How they are using modern tools like internet? Aren't they making fool of themselves just by handling overall control of them in the hands of modern tools(mobile, computers)?
With the advancement in technology and science , we must take care regarding to make capable our children for the future. Today's education policy, structure should be made as they should bear all the responsibility. Today we make the students superior in theories but not in practicals. Practicals are as much important as theories. One can not understand the depth of subject merely reading the text unless he has prolific mind. Handling equipments, apparatus make them very close to the subject. Observations, inferences, conclusions will make the student to construct his own theories and laws. In this way we can preserve , improve our own best capability of thought process, progressing from better to best which is only endowed to human being by the nature. We are living in an age now where we are giving complete control to technological tools. Artificial intelligence, simulations are the new techniques to overpower human qualities.
Now India's Mars Mission is successful. That will be again new beginning for us to step forward in space world. Congratulations to ISRO and to every Indian!!!

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